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Book Chapters
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Hall, Cheryl J., “Changing ways: a study of the working class, Kingston 1861-1881,” (Undergraduate history paper, Queen’s University, 1978).
Akers, David Brian, “Capital organizes labour: company paternalism, industrial unionism, and Alcan workers in Kingston, Ontario, 1941-1945,” (MA dissertation, Queen’s University, MA, 1987).
Denstedt, Mark James, “”Precariousness on the menu”: Restaurant work and labour mobility within the low-wage service industry in Kingston, Ontario,” (MA dissertation, Queen’s University, 2008).
Elliot, Robert E., “Working-class Kingston: The impact of an industrial economy on working conditions and union organization during the 1880s,” (MA dissertation, Queen’s University, 1982).
Lavin, David Oliver, “Call centres in the “new economy”: a Canadian case study,” (MA dissertation, Queen’s University, 2006).
Mignault, David, “Cutting Grass: the uncertainty of coming of age in the Post-Fordist Era,” (MA dissertation, Lakehead University, 2000).
Smith, Emily Merz, “”Everything is monitored, everything is watched”: employee resistanceto surveillance in Ontario call centres,” (MA dissertation, Queen’s University, 2004).
Wishart, James, “Producing Nurses: Nursing Training in the Age of Rationalisation at Kingston General Hospital 1924-1939,” (MA dissertation, Queen’s University, 1997).